RRRC Bear Creek 10 Mile Trail Run

Cumberland, United States • 23 Feb 2025

The Bear Creek 10 Mile Trail Run is an in-person and virtual race organized by the Richmond Road Runners Club. The race takes place at Bear Creek Lake State Park in Cumberland, Virginia, and the loop course passes through the piedmont hills of Cumberland State Forest and the state park. The race is a 10-mile (plus a little extra) loop course, with 98% trail and about 2% road.

The race starts with five miles out primarily on the Willis River Trail before heading back on sections of the Cumberland Multi-use, Lost Barr Loop, Lakeside, and other trails. There are water stations at mile points 3.5 and 7.5, and the race is "cup-free," so participants need to bring their personal hydration container. The race offers competitive wave starts at 8:30 AM and a second wave starting at 8:40 AM.

Walkers/hikers are welcome to participate, and the registration fees vary for RRRC members and non-members. The race also includes awards, post-race food, and a race shirt for participants who register by a specific date. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Race information

10 mi
Rrrc Bear Creek 10 Mile Trail Run
Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.


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