Mohican Trail Race

Perrysville, United States • 11-12 May 2024

The trail run event organized by the Wolf Pack offers various distances including a 1/2 Marathon, 10K, 5K, 20K Relay, and 6 Hours of Power at Mohican State Park in Ohio. The courses provide challenging terrains with stunning views, and participants receive race bibs, finisher medals, and race stickers. The event includes aid station support, timing, and posted results with prizes from sponsors like Hammer Nutrition and Super Coffee. The races start at 10:00 AM, and participants are advised to pay attention to course markings and train on similar terrains. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Race information

6 hr
6 Hours Of Power
13 mi
1/2 Marathon
20 km
20K Relay
10 km
5 km
Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

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