The STREETWALDCROSS, organized by Crossdog, is a vibrant running event taking place in the scenic Strietwald of Aschaffenburg. Celebrating its 10th edition, the event features multiple distances for participants, including 5km, 10km, and 20km trail runs, as well as a 2km Kids & Teens run. Additional..
The STREETWald Cross Dirt Run, taking place in Mainaschaff, is celebrating its 10th edition in 2025. This exciting event features multiple race distances, including 5 km, 10 km, and 20 km trails through scenic forests and meadows, as well as a 2 km KidsRUN for younger participants. Additionally, the..
The Rodenbacher Trail Run will take place in Rodenbach on Sunday 6 April 2025.
The Bergstraße-Odenwald 50 will take place in Weinheim on Saturday 24 May 2025.
The Strahlenburgtrail will take place in Schriesheim on Sunday 13 July 2025.