Trail de la Chaussee des Geants

Thueyts, France • 7 Jun 2025

The Trail de la Chaussee des Geants will take place in Thueyts on Saturday 7 June 2025. You can run between 10 and 51 kilometers. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Race information

51 km
2900 m+
Les Trois Vallées (51k)
20 km
1050 m+
Le Ranc Qualiou (20k)
15 km
1050 m+
La Rando (15k ou 20k)
10 km
490 m+
La Gravenne (10k)
10 km
500 m+
La Rando (10k)
Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
Trail runs nearby

The Saintger Trail will take place in Saint-Germain-Laprade on Sunday 6 April 2025. You can run between 8 and 24 kilometers.

The Trail des Képis Ardéchois will take place in Privas on Sunday 6 April 2025. You can run between 9 and 18 kilometers.

The Trail de Juliau will take place in Saint-Jean-le-Centenier on Sunday 20 April 2025. You can run between 11 and 46 kilometers.

UTMB Index ITRA Points

The H2O trail will take place in Le Puy-en-Velay on Sunday 20 April 2025. You can run between 13 and 24 kilometers.

The Le Puy Urban Trail will take place in Le Puy-en-Velay on Sunday 27 April 2025.

The Trail du Muguet - Vesseaux will take place in Vesseaux on Thursday 1 May 2025. You can run between 9 and 42 kilometers.