Montana de Oro Trail Run

Los Osos, United States • 29 Mar 2025

The Montana de Oro Trail Run offers various distances including a 50K, 36K, Half Marathon, and 12K, set in the scenic Montaña de Oro State Park near San Luis Obispo and Morro Bay in California. Participants can enjoy running on trails with epic views of the Pacific Ocean, nearby beaches, and Morro Bay. The event provides unique finisher medals, post-race food, downloadable on-course photos, chip-timed results, and awards ceremony. The courses feature different elevation gains, and all events must be completed by 4:00 PM. The race emphasizes a cup-free racing policy and offers detailed information on course markings, aid stations, crew and pacer guidelines, and more. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Race information

50 km
Montana De Oro Trail Run 50K (Three Peaks)
36 km
Montana De Oro Trail Run - 36K (Two Peaks)
13 mi
Montana De Oro Trail Run - Half Marathon (Hazard Peak)
12 km
Montana De Oro Trail Run - 12K (Valencia Peak)
Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

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