Gummersbacher Silvestercrosslauf

Gummersbach, Germany • 31 Dec 2025

The Gummersbacher Silvestercrosslauf will take place in Gummersbach on Wednesday 31 December 2025. You can run between 5 and 10 kilometers. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Race information

10 km
10,7 Km Crosslauf
5 km
5,0 Km Crosslauf
1,5 Km Kinder-/jugendlauf
Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
Trail runs nearby

The Ferndorfer Frühjahrs-Waldlauf will take place in Kreuztal on Saturday 15 March 2025. You can run between 6 and 10 kilometers.

The Winter-Ultrapicknick im Hönnetal will take place in Balve on Saturday 22 March 2025. You can run 49 kilometers.

The Stadion-Cross Bad Marienberg will take place in Bad Marienberg (Westerwald) on Wednesday 28 May 2025.

The Sauerland Trailrun will take place in Lennestadt on Sunday 1 June 2025. You can run between 11 and 21 kilometers.

The Sauerland Höhenflug Trailrun will take place in Sundern (Sauerland) on Sunday 8 June 2025. You can run between 5 and 21 kilometers.

The Paul – Panoramasteig Ultralauf will take place in Lindlar from Thursday 19 June 2025 to Sunday 22 June 2025. You can run between 120 and 245 kilometers.