Courir Pour le Cambodge

Brives-Charensac, France • 11 May 2025

The Courir Pour le Cambodge will take place in Brives-Charensac on Sunday 11 May 2025. You can run between 5 and 21 kilometers. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Race information

21 km
Semi-Marathon Khmer
18 km
Trail Angkorien
17 km
Marche Angkorienne
12 km
Marche de Kampot 11,5km
12 km
La Boucle de Kampot 12km
5 km
5 Km - les Foulées Solidaires de Sré Ampills (non Chrono)
Le P'tit Tour de Phnom Penh 3 Km
Le P'tit Tour de Phnom Penh 1 Km
Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
Trail runs nearby

The Saintger Trail will take place in Saint-Germain-Laprade on Sunday 6 April 2025. You can run between 8 and 24 kilometers.

The H2O trail will take place in Le Puy-en-Velay on Sunday 20 April 2025. You can run between 13 and 24 kilometers.

The Bellimontrail will take place in Bellevue-la-Montagne on Saturday 26 April 2025. You can run between 7 and 20 kilometers.

The Le Puy Urban Trail will take place in Le Puy-en-Velay on Sunday 27 April 2025.

The Ardeche Trail La Voie Romaine will take place in Désaignes from Friday 2 May 2025 to Saturday 3 May 2025. You can run between 8 and 57 kilometers.

UTMB Index

The Trail Trèfle Voreysien will take place in Vorey on Saturday 17 May 2025. You can run between 13 and 35 kilometers.