Colmen Trail

Morbegno, Italy • 13 Apr 2025

The Colmen Trail will take place in Morbegno on Sunday 13 April 2025. You can run between 16 and 33 kilometers. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Race information

33 km
1950 m+
Colmen Trail 33k
16 km
1030 m+
Colmen Trail 16k
Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
Trail runs nearby

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The Trail del Segredont will take place in Vertova on Sunday 11 May 2025. You can run 15 kilometers.

The Verti.Co Memorial Luciano Moraschini will take place in Valbondione on Sunday 25 May 2025.

The Scenic Trail will take place in Capriasca from Friday 6 June 2025 to Saturday 7 June 2025. You can run between 18 and 130 kilometers.

UTMB Index ITRA Points

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