Winona Forest Backyard Ultra

Mannsville, United States • 23 Aug 2025

The Winona Forest Backyard Ultra is a unique endurance running event held in Mannsville, NY, designed for runners of all abilities. Participants complete a 4.167-mile loop every hour, with the goal of being the last runner standing. Runners must return to the starting line within the hour to continue; failure to do so results in elimination.

The event encourages personal milestones, with various achievements recognized throughout the race. Amenities include a fully stocked aid station, food for runners and crew, and designated areas for personal setups. This challenging format emphasizes strategy, endurance, and community support. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Race information

100 mi
100 Miles
4 mi
4.167 Mile Loop
Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
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