Trail Côte d'Opale en Pas de Calais

Wimereux, France • 13-14 Sep 2025

The Trail Côte d'Opale en Pas de Calais will take place in Wimereux from Saturday 13 September 2025 to Sunday 14 September 2025. You can run between 10 and 83 kilometers. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Race information

83 km
Challenge 83 Km
62 km
62 Km Trail Cote D'opale
42 km
42 Km Trail Cote D'opale
25 km
25 Km Trail Cote D'opale
21 km
21 Km Trail Cote D'opale
18 km
18 Km Trail Cote D'opale
14 km
14 Km Trail Cote D'opale
10 km
10 Km Trail Cote D'opale
Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
Trail runs nearby

The Trail de la Vallée de la Course will take place in Bezinghem on Sunday 6 April 2025. You can run between 5 and 30 kilometers.

The La Sarrazine will take place in Tournehem-sur-la-Hem on Saturday 26 April 2025. You can run between 5 and 20 kilometers.

The Trail des Faucons will take place in Fauquembergues on Sunday 27 April 2025. You can run between 5 and 28 kilometers.

The Trail des Mille Monts will take place in Licques on Saturday 17 May 2025. You can run between 13 and 23 kilometers.

The La Passe Pierre en Baie de Canche will take place in Étaples on Thursday 29 May 2025. You can run between 9 and 20 kilometers.

The Nat'run Lumbroise will take place in Lumbres on Monday 9 June 2025. You can run between 10 and 30 kilometers.