
Arguedas, Spain • 5 Oct 2024

The Santxikorrota will take place in Arguedas on Saturday 5 October 2024. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Race information

Santxikorrota'24 Corta·motza
Santxikorrota'24 Larga · Luzea
Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
Trail runs nearby

The Peñazuela Trail Ainzon will take place in Ainzón on Sunday 23 March 2025. You can run between 12 and 26 kilometers.

The Trail Virgen Del Yugo will take place in Arguedas on Friday 18 April 2025.

The Vallacuera Extreme will take place in Peralta on Saturday 31 May 2025. You can run between 27 and 50 kilometers.

The Trail la Cereza will take place in Milagro on Saturday 7 June 2025.