Leopard Ultra-Trail- Mullerthal (UTML)

Waldbillig, Luxembourg • 12 Sep 2025

The Leopard Ultra-Trail- Mullerthal (UTML) will take place in Waldbillig on Friday 12 September 2025. You can run between 10 and 111 kilometers. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Race information

111 km
Ultra - 111 Km Start Nr. 2: 00:05 Am Samstag 13/09/2025
111 km
Ultra -111 Km Start Nr 1: 22:00 Uhr Am Freitag 12/09/2025
75 km
Long - 75 Km
35 km
Trail - 35 Km
21 km
Shorty - 21 Km
10 km
Ultra-Shorty - 10 Km
Kids Adventure Run I - 2019-2021
Kids Adventure Run Ii - 2015-2018
Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
Trail runs nearby

The Trail La Tharée will take place in Gouvy on Saturday 15 March 2025. You can run 50 kilometers.

The GR Provincie Trail Luxemburg will take place in Messancy on Sunday 23 March 2025. You can run between 21 and 42 kilometers.

The Tout Cattenom court will take place in Cattenom on Sunday 6 April 2025.

The Meulenwald-Föhren-Lauf will take place in Föhren on Saturday 12 April 2025. You can run between 10 and 22 kilometers.

The DKV-UrbanTrail Luxembourg will take place in Luxembourg from Saturday 26 April 2025 to Sunday 27 April 2025.

The Volkslauf Im Kammerwald will take place in Geichlingen on Saturday 26 April 2025.