Ganatrail is an exciting running event held in Genay, featuring various courses designed for participants of all ages. The event includes an 8 km and a 15 km trail run, both primarily on paths with varying elevation gains. Additionally, there is a Nordic walking option and children's races, ensuring..
La Villardaire is an exciting night trail event taking place in Villars, Loire, on November 23, 2024. This ninth edition invites nature running enthusiasts to choose between two courses of 12 km and 17 km, along with a family-friendly walk. Participants will enjoy a unique nighttime experience, culm..
Bather'night is a semi-nocturnal trail running event taking place in Bathernay, Drôme des collines. The event features various courses, including a 25 km trail, as well as shorter distances of 6.5 km and 12 km, catering to different skill levels. Additionally, there are children's races with distanc..