Forkland Festival Fox and Hound 4k

Gravel Switch, United States • 12 Oct 2024

Participants can join the Forkland Festival Fox and Hound 4K trail run for $22, which includes entry to the Forkland Festival pancake breakfast and a T-shirt. The run takes place in the hills and knobs of the Forkland Community, offering a unique experience away from the city. The course features a challenging quarter-mile uphill section, meadows, woodland trails, and a downhill finish. Handmade awards are presented at the pancake breakfast, and vintage T-shirts will be available. The event encourages both runners and walkers to enjoy the scenic countryside with friends. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Race information

Forkland Festival Fox And Hound 4K
Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

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