Bears Ears Ultra

Monticello, United States • 21 Jun 2025

Bears Ears Ultra is an exciting running event set in the scenic Abajo Mountains of Monticello, UT, featuring three race distances: 50 miles, 50K, and 30K. Participants will enjoy breathtaking views of Canyonlands National Park, Bears Ears National Monument, and even Monument Valley. The course offers a mix of smooth singletrack through aspen groves and challenging technical trails, with elevations reaching nearly 11,000 feet. This event promises a unique experience for runners amidst the stunning landscapes of Southeastern Utah. For more details, including race maps and aid station information, visit the event's official website. Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.

Race information

50 mi
50 Miler
50 km
30 km
Visit the organization's website for the most recent information.
Trail runs nearby