Trail Running calendar near Oerlinghausen 2025-2026

We have found 36 Trailruns within 80 kilometers of Oerlinghausen. See below where and when you can find the races.

The Ibbenbürener Klippenlauf is a challenging trail running event held in the scenic Teutoburger Wald. Participants can choose between two distances: the main race of 24.7 km, which includes climbing nine cliffs, and a shorter 12.4 km course with four cliffs. The event is known for its demanding ter..

The Velmerstot-Volkslauf will take place in Horn-Bad Meinberg on Saturday 29 March 2025. You can run between 6 and 21 kilometers.

April 2025

The Marathon durch den Hollager Bombentrichter will take place in Wallenhorst on Tuesday 1 April 2025. You can run between 21 and 42 kilometers.

The Freeden Ultramarathon will take place in Bad Iburg on Saturday 5 April 2025. You can run between 22 and 45 kilometers.

The Osnabrücker PiesBERG-Ultra-Marathon (PUM) will take place in Osnabrück on Saturday 12 April 2025. You can run 63 kilometers.

The Hüggel-Marathon will take place in Hasbergen on Friday 18 April 2025. You can run between 21 and 42 kilometers.

The Ith-Hils-Ultratrail will take place in Salzhemmendorf on Saturday 19 April 2025. You can run 81 kilometers.

The Dyckerhoff Steinbruch Marathon will take place in Lengerich on Sunday 20 April 2025. You can run 42 kilometers.

The Sloopsteener Seenrunden Marathon will take place in Westerkappeln on Wednesday 23 April 2025. You can run between 21 and 42 kilometers.

The Brochterbeck Bergmarathon will take place in Tecklenburg on Thursday 24 April 2025. You can run between 21 and 42 kilometers.

The Ladbergen Marathon will take place in Ladbergen on Friday 25 April 2025. You can run 42 kilometers.

The Zittertal Marathon will take place in Bissendorf on Saturday 26 April 2025. You can run 42 kilometers.

May 2025

The Dyckerhoff Steinbruch Marathon will take place in Lengerich on Thursday 1 May 2025. You can run 42 kilometers.

The Freetrail Der Waldlauf will take place in Paderborn on Sunday 4 May 2025. You can run 10 kilometers.

The Lengericher Bergtrail Ultra will take place in Lengerich on Sunday 11 May 2025. You can run 23 kilometers.

The Bentfelder Abendlauf will take place in Delbrück on Friday 23 May 2025. You can run between 5 and 21 kilometers.

The Gerd's Garagen Marathon will take place in Wallenhorst on Thursday 29 May 2025. You can run between 21 and 42 kilometers.

June 2025

The Pfingstlauf Ruhrschleife will take place in Arnsberg from Saturday 7 June 2025 to Sunday 8 June 2025. You can run between 6 and 24 hours.

The "Run Around Dahl" is a running event in Paderborn-Dahl that offers various competitions, including a 1 km Bambini run, a 2 km student run, a 5 km forest run, and a 10 km cross-trail run. The event takes place at the Dahl sports field and provides comprehensive support and refreshments for partic..

July 2025

The Marathon durch den Hollager Bombentrichter will take place in Wallenhorst on Saturday 12 July 2025. You can run between 21 and 42 kilometers.