Trail Running calendar near Fleurines 2024-2025

We have found 44 Trailruns within 80 kilometers of Fleurines. See below where and when you can find the races.

The Trail du Bois des Côtes will take place in Bailleval on Sunday 30 June 2024. You can run between 10 and 60 kilometers.

UTMB Index

The Muguet Trail offers various distances ranging from 1km to 21km, as well as a 10km Nordic walk, as part of the Grand Paris Seine Ouest Nature Sports Festival. The event will take place on Sunday, June 30, 2024. It's a perfect opportunity to discover trail running and enjoy the surrounding nature.

The trail offers three events: a 15 km race named "la grande tortue" (the big turtle), a 10 km race named "la petite tortue" (the little turtle), and a non-timed Nordic walk. Bib collection takes place at the town hall of Plessier-sur-Bulles the day before and on the day of the race. Each participan..

The Les Trails de la Plaine will take place in Noisy-le-Roi on Sunday 30 June 2024. You can run between 11 and 22 kilometers.

August 2024

The Foulées Cuts-Oise will take place in Cuts on Saturday 31 August 2024. You can run 10 kilometers.

September 2024

The "Foulées de la Forêt de Bréviande" is a 10 km running race, with 80% of the course on forest paths, open to runners starting from the cadet category. 1€ per runner is donated to the association "Les Petits Doudous" to help hospitalized children. The race is limited to 500 participants and is par..

The La Boucle de Jouarre will take place in Jouarre on Saturday 7 September 2024. You can run 7 kilometers.

The trail offers five events of different distances, ranging from 5 km to 42 km, with various elevation gains. Registrations close on Wednesday, September 4th at midnight.

The Trail de Chézy will take place in Chézy-sur-Marne on Saturday 14 September 2024. You can run 12 kilometers.

The Trail du Château d'Ecouen will take place in Écouen on Saturday 14 September 2024. You can run between 10 and 20 kilometers.

The Trifouillette will take place in Igny on Sunday 15 September 2024. You can run between 10 and 26 kilometers.

The La Morienvaloise will take place in Morienval on Sunday 15 September 2024. You can run between 7 and 21 kilometers.

The trail offers a 12 km course, starting at 2:30 PM, combining paths and roads in Saint Paul. It includes a relay race called Elle&Lui, with distances of 4 km, 5 km, and 6 km for each pair. Safety and environmental guidelines are provided, along with a tip to finish the race together. A referee wil..

The TSY is an annual trail run that takes place in the municipality of Levis-Saint-Nom. The event features selective and technical courses, welcoming runners and hikers of all levels. Participants can enjoy superb snapshots taken at different points along the route, at the start and finish. The trai..

The Orrygeoise Maratrail will take place in Orry-la-ville on Sunday 22 September 2024. You can run between 10 and 42 kilometers.

The La Maurecourtoise will take place in Maurecourt on Sunday 22 September 2024. You can run between 5 and 10 kilometers.

The Les Solidaires en or - Fleurines (60) will take place in Fleurines on Sunday 22 September 2024. You can run between 7 and 12 kilometers.

The Trail des 2 Buttes will take place in Marines on Sunday 29 September 2024. You can run between 10 and 26 kilometers.

The Trail des Pierres Sacrées will take place in Larbroye on Sunday 29 September 2024. You can run between 9 and 21 kilometers.

The Urban Trail de la Butte Montmartre will take place in Paris on Sunday 29 September 2024. You can run between 7 and 7 kilometers.