XRUN is a series of mountain running events held in the picturesque region of Małopolska, Poland. The 2025 season features five races, offering participants various distance options, including classic, mini, marathon, and a special category for kids. Each event takes place in beautiful locations, al..
The Baran Trail Race is an exciting running event held in Węgierska Górka, featuring multiple trail distances of 10 km, 25 km, and 60 km. This race attracts both amateur and experienced runners, offering a challenging yet scenic experience through beautiful landscapes. Participants can register onli..
Bieg Górski - Beskidzka Goniacka is a mountain running event scheduled for April 2025 in Bielsko-Biała, organized by the Uczniowski Klub Sportowy DIAMENT. The main race covers a distance of 10 km, with additional routes for various age categories, including U20, U18, U16, and U14. The event emphasiz..